dois perdidos numa noite suja

segunda-feira, outubro 10, 2005



Today, mom died. Or perhaps yesterday, I do not know. I received a telegram of asylum: “Mother deceased. Burial tomorrow. Distinguished feelings.” That wants nothing to say. It was perhaps yesterday.

dan rather

Unconfirmed reports show that my mother died yesterday, or perhaps the day before. Documents that I have received from an anonymous source state that “Ms. Rather is dead. Funeral arrangements have begun and the burial will be tomorrow.” Grief has swept the nation in response to her death as thousands flock to the small city where this woman was born, to pay condolences to the deceased. Reports are sketchy, but some say that the time of death occurred late last evening. We will continue to monitor this story, however, as it develops.


  • Oh, rapaz. Soube que foi seu aniversário sábado na Paradiso. Se eu soubesse antes teria passado lá pra te dar um abraço e filar uma cana. De qualquer forma, parabéns Speedy!

    By Anonymous Anônimo, at 10/10/05 15:16  

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